Wednesday, December 25, 2013


“DREADS Meaning or for Looks”

     Dreads have a spiritual upbringing for those who did not know, for it is in the bible if you want to look it up (Num. 6:2,5 Lev. 19:27; 21:5) it talks about not cutting off your locks. Dreads symbolize antennas for speaking to the gods. You Can see this in the movie AVATAR as they where using their dreads to tame the animals as well to connect to the trees. In some countries they gather around trees for worshiping. To tie this all up look up the definition of the Word AVATAR to get a better understanding.

     I see now that Dreads are being worn as a fashion statement, not knowing the origin of dreads, which that goes with other topics that will be discussed later. So what is your purpose for having dreads?

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